I’m going to come right out with this and say that there are videogames that deserve to be known as THE THINGS TO GO TO WHEN WE TALK ABOUT ARENA SHOOTERS. We have Robotron, we have Llamatron, we have Geometry Wars, we have Geometry Wars RE2 and we absolutely, if there was any fucking justice in the world, should be throwing We Are Doomed into the mix there too. Yeah, I went there. It is that good..

Wow. I’ve taken so long to post this because… well, what can I even say? Rob’s work, specifically Death Ray Manta, was the inspiration and starting point for We Are Doomed. The tiffins trinkets, quick level transitions, videogame-as-pop-song metaphor, that all started with playing DRM.

So for Rob to say that about my game? It’s such a huge honour, and such great motivation. It’s hard to process, but all I can do is keep at it. Keep at making my best game even better.